
Note From Your Publisher

We're Making Changes to Our Events Calendar

By Lauren Efkowitz, Macaroni Kid Moorestown-Mt Laurel April 2, 2020

As we all know our time at home has recently been extended until April 30, 2020.  Macaroni Kid Moorestown-Mt Laurel will be making some changes to help you through this time.  We will be changing our calendar of events and will be adding virtual events to our calendar.  I've removed previous events so there's no confusion and what you see on the calendar from here on out will be a virtual event (until things return to normal).  Events will be labeled with were you can find them (Facebook, youtube, instagram etc.)

Thank you all so much for your patience and sticking with us through this difficult time.  We're doing everything we can to continue to provide you with family fun activities you can do at home.  If you have or know of an event please submit the event here.

Please continue to support local business as they need our help now more than ever.  You can support our local businesses by ordering takeout and purchasing gift cards.  Checkout our list of local business.

Stay safe, stay healthy.

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